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Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mahakal Omkareshwar


Place:- Ujjain

Hotel:-  Yatri Niwas Tel: (0734) 2511398 E-Mail:

How to reach

We have taken "Awanitka Express" to reach Ujjain Station at early in the morning

About Ujjain

Situated on the right bank of the holy river Sipra, the eternal city Ujjaiyini has been narrated as the naval center (Manipura lotus) of the cultural identity of Indian nation. It ranks among those seven ancient Puris of India which are regarded as the bestower of deliverance (moksa). The meridian of the ancient world named Yamottara was supposed to pass through place. It has been severally named in ancient texts. Some such names being Avantika, Ujjain, Pratikalpa, Kanakasrnga, Amaravati, Shivapuri, Chudamani, Kumudvati etc. The poet-laureat Kalidasa has called it the great Visala while the ancient solo-dramas (Bhanas) narrate it as cosmopolitan (Sarvabhauma) city. Saints, seers and scientists viz., Sandipani, Mahakatyayana, Bhasa, Bharttrhari, Nine gems in the court of king Vikramaditya including Kalidasa, Amarasimha-Varahamihira etc., Paramartha, Sudraka, Banabhatta, Mayura, Rajasekhara, Puspadanta, Harisena, Samkaracharya, Vallabhacharya, Jadrupa etc, had been closely inter-related with Ujjain. It has been elevated by the exclusive affinity of great political personalities such as Krsna-Balarama, Chanda Pradyota, Udayana- the king of Vatsa, Mauryan governor Asoka, emperor Samprati, warrior king Vikramaditya, Mahaksatrapa Chastana and Rudradaman, Paramara rulers Munjaraja-Bhojadeva and Udayaditya, Mughal governor Sawai Jaya Simha- king of Amer, Mahadaji Scindhia etc. Ujjain had been the resting-abode of Mughal emperors Akbar, Jahangir and Shahjahan. Avantika has been the city of many Tirthas, where pilgrims take bath, grant endowments for religious purposes, and offer tarpan to and perform sraddha for the departed ancestors. Such Tirthas have been situated of the banks of the Sipra and its tributaries, Sapta Sagaras (seven lakes), Tadagas (tanks), Kundas and Vapis (wells). A series of large-sized and picturesque ghats are situated on these Tirthas, prominent being Triveni, Gau, Nrismha, Pisachamochana, Harihara, Kedara, Prayaga, Okhara, Bhairava, Ganga, Mandakini, Siddha Tirthas. At the interval of every twelve years, lakhs of Sadhus and pilgrims take bath here on the pious occasion of the Simhastha Parva. Though the whole of India is a cultural nation, still the most worth-mentioning religious sites are the four Dhamas viz., Badari-Kedara in the North, Puri in the East, Ramesvara in the South and Dwarika in the West, the main deities being Badri-Visala, Jagannatha, Ramesvara and Lord Krsna. In the center of all these Dhamas is Avantika which in mini-form represents a religious India, Ksetrapalas Darduresvara in the North, Pingalesvara in the East, Kayavarohanesvara in the South and Bilvesvara in the West. The Chief Deity is Ksetradhipati Mahakalesvara, not only of the Avanti Ksetra but of the whole cultural India. Ujjainyini was situated in one Mahakala Vana (forest) in ancient period. The much-famed Avanti Ksetra was a part of it. Avanti Khanda of the Skanda Purana tells that several seers, sages, gods and goddesses, Yaksas, Kinnaras etc. practiced tapas in this Vana in ancient times. It had been this vana where Lord Siva exhibited several super-natural deeds by his divine power, thus justifying His Mahadeva name. Thousands of Siva lingas existed and were worshipped in this Vana, In this Ksetra, Mahakala, after beheading Brahma and crushing His kapala (fore head) performed the penance, Mahakala Vana and Avantika both have been very beloved to the Lord. Hence, he is the eternal conscious body of this Ksetra, Due to this fact, Avantika is regarded as super most among all the Tirthas. It had been this Mahakala Vana where Lord Visnu, on the request of Brahma, seated on the Asana of the Kusha grass for the welfare of all the beings, Therefore, this town was also known as Kusasthali. Needless to mention that this territory had been very favourite to the Divine Trinity-Brahma, Visnu and Mahesha. So for as the name Ujjayini is concerned, the Puranic legends tell that one Tripura demon, being blessed by Brahma, turned very cruel and tyrannical towards the gods and their followers. Ultimately, all the celestial powers requested Lord Siva to protect them from the evil deeds of Tripura. Lord Siva worshipped the goddess Raktadantika and after pleasing her received the great weapon Mahapasupatastra, by the strike of which the demon was killed. As a result of this Vijaya (victory) the town became popular as Ujjaiyini or Ujjain. According to Matsya Purana, the demon Andhaka was also killed by Lord Siva in this Mahakala Vana. It also had been the territory where the eminent devotee Prahlada attained abhaya (fearlessness) from Lord Visnu and Lord Siva. As a result of the victory of Lord Siva over the demons, the gateways and spires of the palaces were decorated with gold-plates, due to which Ujjaiyini was also called Kanakasrnga i.e. the town of gold-spires. As time rolled on, the area of this Vana narrowed down due to the rapid development and expansion of the township. According to the narration of Kalidasa, there existed only an upavana (small forest) surrounding the Mahakala temple which was cooled by the breezes of the river Gandhavati, a tributary of the Sipra

Place to Visit

Day 1

Time : 08:00am

Shipra River

Ram Ghat, this ghat is located on the banks of the Shipra River and is a popular spot for pilgrims and tourists alike. It is the place where Kumbh Mela use to organize. Kumbh Mela is a Hindu pilgrimage and festival that is celebrated in a cycle of approximately 12 years. It is held at four river-bank pilgrimage sites: Prayagraj (Ganges-Yamuna-Sarasvati rivers confluence), Haridwar (Ganges), Nashik (Godavari), and Ujjain (Shipra).

Take a dip into the Shipra River

Time : 09:00am

Mahakaleshwar - The presiding deity of time, Shiva, in all his splendour reigns eternal in Ujjain. The temple of Mahakaleshwar, its shikhara soaring into the skies, evokes primordial awe and reverence with its majesty. The Mahakal dominates the life of the city and its people, even in the midst of the busy routine of modern preoccupations, and provides an unbreakable link with past traditions

Lord Shiva, also known as Maheshwara, is the primary deity worshipped at the Mahakaleshwar temple. The Hindu trinity consists of Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara, with Lord Shiva being referred to as Maheshwara. The term Mahakaleshwar means “Lord of Time,” and Lord Shiva is the God of Time in Hinduism. Mahakal is another name for Lord Shiva. Locals believe in two tales about Lord Shiva, who is known as Mahakaleshwar.

According to one of these legends, Sati stepped into the flames when her father, Daksha, opposed her marriage to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was enraged when he heard about it and conducted the Dance of Death, or Tandava, as a result of which he was given the names Mahakal or Mahakaleshwar and was also referred to as the God ahead of time. According to another mythology, when the demon Dushan wronged Shiva’s worshippers, he became enraged and split the world in half, earning him the name Mahakaleshwar.

Some interesting fact about Temple

·       The significance of the Mahakaleshwar Temple is that the Lingam of Mahakaleshwar is Swayambhu in nature. Sri Mahakaleshwar is the Lord of Time. He is also famous as the one who is capable of winning difficult situations. This is the only Lingam in the world which faces south, the direction of Death.

·       The Mahakaleshwar temple is also one of the eighteen Maha Shakti Peethas. Shakti Peethas are the sites where body parts of Sati Devi fell after the Sudarshana Chakra, in the Daksha Yoga episode of Hindu mythology, cut her body. Devotees believe that the Upper Lip of the Sati Devi fell here. Moreover, the Goddess is popular as Mahakali here.

·       The temple is three-storeyed. In the lowest middle and uppermost parts are respectively installed the lingams of Mahakalesvara, Omkaresvara and Nagachandresvara. The pilgrims and the visitors can only have the glimse of Nagachandresvara on the festive of Naga Panchami.

·       The Mahakaleshwar Temple is famous for its unique ritual called the Bhasma Aarti. It is a daily ritual that takes place early in the morning, where the Lingam is adorned with sacred ash (bhasma) brought from the funeral pyres. The aarti involves chanting of hymns, devotional songs, and the waving of incense and lamps. The Bhasma Aarti is considered highly auspicious and draws a large number of devotees.

·       It is believed that the king of Ujjain is Mahakaleshwar. Hence it is believed that no other king (eg CM, PM, or any head) does not stay here in night.

Some important information about Temple

It is good to book online ticket @ for Garbh Darshan & Jal Abhisek and carry Dhoti Kurta for Male and Saree for Ladies.

 VIP Darshan Ticket:                                       INR 250

Garbh Grah Darshan

and Jal Abhisek Timing & Ticket:                 6am to 12.30pm, INR 1500

Bhasm Aarti Timing and Ticket                     4am to 6am,        INR 100

Dress Code for Garbh Grah Darshan:             Dhoti Kurta for Male and Saree for Ladies

(Dress are available at Temple Premises)

Bade Ganeshji Ka Mandir - This temple situated above the tank near the Mahakaleshwar temple, enshrines a huge artistic sculpture of Ganesh, the son of Shiva. An idol of this size and beauty is rarely to be found. The middle of the temple is adorned by an idol of the pancha-mukhi (five faced) Hanuman. There is provision for learning of Sanskrit and Astrology in the temple.

Take Breakfast and take rest for some time.

Talk to Auto/Taxi for visit the local sight seen and visit below mentioned temple and places. Requested to record the discussion with Auto/Taxiwala to avoid unnecessary dispute after trip

Time: 01pm to 05pm

Gadkalika - Situated about 2 miles from the city of Ujjain, the deity in this temple is believed to have been worshipped by Kalidasa. The legend goes that he was an idiot and it is by his devotion to the goddess Kalika that he acquired great literary skills. Emperor Harshavardhan had this temple renovated in the 7th century AD. There is further evidence of renovation during the Paramara period. The temple has been rebuilt in the modern times by the erstwhile Gwalior State.

Bhartrihari Caves - These caves are situated just above the bank of the Shipra near the temple of Gadkalika. According to popular tradition, this is the spot where Bhartrihari, who is said to have been the step brother of Vikramaditya, lived and meditated after renouncing worldly life. He is believed to have been a great scholar and poet. His famous works, Shringarshatak, Vairagyashatak, and Nitishatak, are known for the exquisite use of the Sanskrit meter. There is a door here which is closed state. It is believed that the door ends with Banaras. Similar type of door is also there in Banaras which is in closed state.

Kal Bhairava - The worship of the eight Bhairavas is a part of Saivite tradition and the chief among them is Kal Bhairava, believed to have been built by King Bhadresen, on the banks of the Shipra. There is mention of a Kal Bhairva temple in the Avanti Khanda of the Skanda Purana. Worship of Kal Bhairava is believed to have been a part of the Kapalika and Aghora sects. Ujjain was a prominent centre of these two sects. Liquor is offered as a part of the ritual to Kal Bhairava. It is believed that the liquor used to drink by Kal Bhairava. It is believed that Mahakaleshwar Darshan will complete only after darshan of Kal Bhairava. Beautiful paintings in the Malwa style once decorated the temple walls, only traces of which are visible.

Mangalnath - This temple is situated away from the bustle of the city and can be reached through a winding road. The temple looks upon a vast expanse of the Shipra waters and fills the onlooker with an indescribable sense of peace. Mangalnath is regarded as the birth place of Mars, according to the Matsya Purana. In ancient times, it was famous for a clear view of the planet and hence suitable for astronomical studies. Mahadev or Shiva is the deity which is worshipped in the temple of Mangalnath. Special pujas (baath puja) are performed in this temple as remedial measure for Mangal Dosha. This is the only temple in India for Mangal. Tropic of cancer pass through this area or line of Karka pass through this temple. People come here for Mangal dosh pooja also. You can also mother of Lord Mangal named Bhubneshwari Mata here.

Sandipani Ashram - The fact that ancient Ujjain apart from its political and religious importance, enjoyed the reputation of being a great seat of learning as early as the Mahabharata period is borne out by the fact that, Lord Krishna and Sudama received regular instruction in the ashram of Guru Sandipani. The area near the ashram is known as Ankapata, popularly believed to have been the place used by Lord Krishna for washing his writing tablet. The numerals 1 to 100 found on a stone are believed to have been engraved by Guru Sandipani. The Gomti Kunda referred to in the Puranas was the source of water supply to the ashram in the olden days. An image of Nandi, belonging to the Shunga period, is to be found near the tank. The followers of Vallabha sect regard this place as the 73rd seat of the 84 seats of Vallabhacharya where he delivered his discourses throughout India.

This Ashram Known for: 1. The Vidyarambh ceremony of lord Krishna took place in this Ashram. In this Ashram Shri Krishna took 64 days of education. during this period he has learned 14 Vidya's and 64 arts. 2. Even today on Guru Purnima, more than two hundred people come here for Vidyarambh ceremony 3. Gomti Khund, a stepped water tank is located inside this Ashram. Legend has it that this is where Shri Krishna summoned all the holy waters from various centers so that his elderly Guru, Sandipani Muni would not have to travel other holy places. 4. Inside Ashram there is 6000 years old shivalinga called Sarveshwar Mahadev, that was worshipped by Guru Sandipani and his disciples. If one looks closely at the Sarveshwara linga, images of Lord Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha and Kartikeyan can be seen on it

Siddhavat (Not visited) - This enormous banyan tree on the banks of the Shipra, has been vested with religious sanctity as the Akashyavat in Prayag and Gaya, Vanshivat of Vrindavan and the Panchavata of Nasik. Thousands of pilgrims take a dip in the Shipra from the bathing ghat built here. According to one tradition, Parvati is believed to have performed her penance here. It used to be a place of worship for the followers of Natha sect. One legend has it that some Mughal rulers had cut off the Banyan tree and covered the site with iron sheets to prevent its roots from growing. But the tree pierced the iron sheets and grew and flourished. The little village of Bhairogarh near Siddhavat is famous for its tie and dye painting for centuries. In ancient times when trade with other countries flourished, exquisitely printed cloth from Bhairogarh used to find its way to Rome and China.

Time 06.00pm

Harsiddhi Temple - This temple occupies a special place in the galaxy of ancient sacred spots of Ujjain. Seated between the idols of Mahalaxmi and Mahasaraswati, the idol of Annapurna is painted in dark vermilion colour. The Sri Yantra, the symbol of power or shakti, is also enshrined in the temple. According to the Shiva Purana, when Shiva carried away the burning body of Sati from the sacrificial fire, her elbow dropped at this place. There is an interesting legend in the Skanda Purana about the manner in which the Goddess Chandi acquired the epithet of Harsiddhi. Once when Shiva and Parvati were alone on Mount Kailash, two demons called Chand and Prachand tried to force their way in. Shiva called upon Chandi to destroy them which she did. Pleased, Shiva bestowed upon her the epithet of 'one who vanquishes all'. The temple was reconstructed during the Maratha period and the two pillars adorned with lamps are special features of Maratha art. These lamps, lit during Navaratri, present a glorious spectacle. There is an ancient well on the premises, and an artistic pillar adorns the top of it.

See the evening aarti where lamps lit at two pillars.

After evening Aarti

Talk to Taxi for Omkareswar. Also state that you will visit Kal Bhairava Temple first and then go to Omkareswar. Requested to record the discussion with Auto/Taxiwala to avoid unnecessary dispute after trip

Go take dinner and go for sleep as you have to wake up early in the morning to attend the Bhasma Aarti

When you are in Ujjain never forget to visit Gopal Mandir and have a bite of famous Famous Kulfi. Apart form that one of the most happening places in Ujjain to eat and enjoy is Tower Chowk. Go there try your hands on all the street chats you have ever heard. The very first thing that will attract you will be stalls of Pani Puri. Following which you will see Hot Dogs stalls serving hot , spicy, juicy hot dogs and Aaloo Tiki with Chhole over it garnished by onions tomatos corriander, Green chatani, Imli chatani and if desired Fresh Curd. They call it Chhole Tikiya Chat. Then you will have Bhelpuri stalls,Dahi Puri and all related chatpate chats varieties including Dahi Vada. For sweet lovers have falooda icecream there or A Barf Ka laddoo. Rabadi is a must when you visit Ujjain. Kids will love this palce with so much eateries and Jhoolaas and balloon sellers everywhere. and of course Buddhi Ke Baal (cotton candy) Shree Sweets and Restaurant at "Tower Chowk" also a nice place. You can enjoy best kachories there. Bombay Sweets, Dewas Gate (at Bustand). Poha from Bombay Sweets is a feast, two plates poha and jalebi and you don't need anything other for whole day,tea,samosa and kachori of "OM cafe"(freeganj) are also nice  edit

It is good to book online ticket @ for Bhasma Aarti and carry Dhoti Kurta for Male and Saree for Ladies.

The main aarti is Bhasma Aarti which is scheduled in the early morning between 04:00 am to 06:00 am which is considered the most scared aarti and one should not miss this particular event. One have to pre book tickets either online or offline if one wishes to attend this aarti. It is normally booked 24 hours before the aarti. If one get the tickets, I will advice the person to reach in temple before 03:00 am 

Day 2

Time :   02:00am

Attend Bhasm Aarti

Time:    06:00am

Visit Kal Bhairava Temple

Time:     07:00am to 1:00pm

Travel to Omkareshwari


Place:- Omkareshwar 

Hotel:- Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan Guest House. 07280271204          

How to Reach

Do booking of bus/taxi and move as early as possible latest by 7.00 am from Ujjain. Distance between Ujjain to Omkareshwar is 140 km. The bus will take 5-6 hours. Omkareshwar is 1.5 km away from Omkareshwar Bus Stand. If you don't get bus from Ujjain to Omkareshwar then you can come to Indore and take a bus from Indore's biggest bus stand. Distance between Ujjain and Indore is 60km which can be covered by train and then bus from Indore Bust Stand (which is near to Indore Railway Station) will take 3 hours to reach you to Omkareshwar. Omkareshwar is 1.5 km away from Omkareshwar Bus Stand. 

Time 02:00pm

Narmda River - Take a dip in the Narmada River: The Narmada River is considered to be sacred by Hindus, and taking a dip in its waters is said to cleanse away your sins. Brahmapuri Ghat is the biggest Ghat of Omkareshwar. There is a huge space for bathing here. All the pilgrims start their journey of Omkareshwar by bathing here.

You can also choose Gomukh Ghat where Water flow from Gomata. The gomukh ghat is considered as a holy and clean ghat and we were amazed to see such crystal clear and pure water there. You can also enjoy the view of amazing swinging bridge from this place. Also, the entire exterior of the Omkareshwar temple is visible from the ghat; so, you can have the images of the outer view of the temple from this part. You will find various, decorated and well-painted boats here with boatmen compelling to hire them for carrying you towards the temple. You can hire them if you don’t want to go through the swinging bridge.

Hanging Bridge To Omkareshwar Temple - An excellent and eye catchy bridge has been build over the river Narmada to reach the temple. The bridge is called as ‘jhula pul’ as it seems to be ‘swinging’. The whole bridge is swinging with the help of a strong network of wires and this bridge is also an attraction for the travelers here.As the Narmada river divides Omkareshwar into two parts, devotees need to cross the river for ‘darshan’ of Lord Shiva in Omkareshwar temple. There are two ways to reach the temple; through the bridge or by crossing the river on boats.

Time: 3.00 pm

It is good to book online ticket @ or for Special darshan

Omkareshwar is fourth out of 12 Jyotirlings of lord Shiva according to ancient Hindu epics. It is situated in the Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh state. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is situated on the Mandhata Island in the Narmada River. The shape of the island is said to be like the Hindu Om symbol. It is known for its unique architecture and spiritual atmosphere.. The shivlingam of Omkareshwar is Panchmukhi. It is said that 33 crore deities reside in this place Omkareshwar

According to the Hindu legend, Vindya, the deity of the Vindhya mountain range was worshipping Lord Shiva to conciliate himself from the sins committed. Thus, he created a sacred geometrical pattern & a lingam made of sand and clay. Shiva was pleased with his worship and appeared in two forms, Omkareshwar & Amaleswara. Since the mud mound was in the form of ‘Om’, this island was known to be called as Omkareshwar.

The second story related to Mandhata and his son’s penance. King Mandhata of Ikshvaku clan ( an ancestor of Lord Ram) worshipped Lord Shiva here until the Lord manifested himself as a Jyotirlinga. Many scholars also narrate about how Mandhata’s sons, Ambarish & Muchukunda had practiced severe penance to please Lord Shiva as a result of which the mountain is named Mandhata.

The third story was from the Hindu scriptures which says once upon a time there was great war between Devas (Gods) & Danavas (demons) in which the Danavas won. This was a big setback for the Devas and so they prayed to Lord Shiva. Pleased with their prayers, Shiva emerged in the form of Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga and defeated the Danavas.

The Main Omkareshwar temple campus is a five-floor building. There is a temple of Mahakal on the first floor. Omkareshwar Temple is on the second floor. On the third floor, the Siddhnatha temple is situated. On the fourth floor, Gupteswar temple is situated, and on the fifth floor is Rajeshwer Mahadev temple. All these temples are Lord Shiva temples and these are different names for Lord Shiv.

Inside the Garbhagriha on one side, Omkar Shiv Linga and on another side Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesh idols are established. Around the Jyotirlinga always water is filled. You can see also there are temples of Panchamukhi Ganesha, Govindeshwar, and Maa Annapurna.

Temple Information: -

·       VIP Ticket Available for INR300

·       You can do jal abhiseka till 4pm.

·       Nothing can offer (jal,bal patra, etc) after 4 pm

·       Prasad can be purchased from Parsad Purchase Counter.

Temple Timing:-

Morning: 5:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Afternoon: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Evening: 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM

There are two temples here, one is Omkareshwar (whose name means “Lord of Omkaara or the Lord of the Om Sound”) and another one is Mamleshwar or Amareshwar (whose name means “Immortal lord” or “lord of the Immortals or Devas”). Though there are two temple and two jyotirlingam, both are worshipped together in name of Omkareshwar .The darshan of Omkareshwar will not complete without the darshan of Mamleshwar

Boat Ride on Narmada River: Enjoy a boat ride on the Narmada River to experience the serene beauty of the surroundings. The boat ride offers a different perspective of the temples and the landscape, allowing you to immerse yourself in the spiritual atmosphere. (Omkareshwar,Triveni Sangam, Omkareshwar Dam, Vihsnu Ji 52feet Murti are some of the points which can be covered by the Boat Ride). I will suggest taking a Boat ride during the evening and early morning, it will be a good experience for you. You will enjoy boat riding on the Narmada River. You can go by boat to the place where the Narmada River divides into two rivers.

Parikrama: Take a Parikrama (circumambulation) around the Omkareshwar Island. It is believed to be a holy ritual that brings blessings and spiritual fulfillment. The Parikrama path offers beautiful views of the river and the surrounding landscapes.

The distance to the pilgrimage is 7 to 8 km. It may take 1.5 to 2 hours to reach there. During the pilgrimage, the Mother Narmada walks with you. And makes your journey more beautiful.

After visiting Omkareshwar Mandir, you come down the stairs. From there, the pilgrimage begins. On the pilgrimage, you will see the ancient Kedareshwar Mahadev Temple.the first temple in the Parikrama.

After half an hour of walking, I have reached Sangamsthan. This is the Sangamsthan of the river Kaveri and Narmada.

(The river Narmada and river Kaveri separates near the Omkareshwar Dam. And they meet here and they move forward.)

Kuber Bhandar For the penance of Lord Shiva, there is a famous temple known as Kubera, the suzerain of wealth. The ancient temple is currently submerged in the reservoir of Omkareshwar Dame, after which Dharmavalambio constructed the Kubera Bhandari temple at Omkareshwar and established the Shivalinga. Legend has it that Yaksharaj Kubera did penance on the banks of river Narmada to appease Lord Shiva, after that Bholenath became pleased and established this place as Shivalinga, made Kubera the suzerain of wealth and then named Kubereshwar, Kubera Bhandari. The identity of the temple was established from There is special worship in the temple every year on Dhanteras.

 After visiting Sangamsthan, after coming up the stairs, you will see the ancient temple of Lord Rinomukteshwar. After visiting here, the journey continues.

 After walking for about half an hour from Rinomukteshwar temple, you will reach near the Gauri Shankar Mandir, a Pandav time temple which is more than 1200 years old. Shiva Linga is placed which is 6 feet tall inside this temple. The temple has two floors and you can see the another Shiva Linga which is placed at the first floor of this temple.

 After visiting Gauri Somnath Mandir, you will see the statue of Lord Shiva after 5 minutes.

 After visiting this temple, continue your journey.

 At last you will get Siddhanath temple. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva in his Siddhanath form and is considered highly sacred by devotees. After reaching this temple you can understand that the journey is going to end

After walking another 10-15 minutes from you will reach near the bridge built on the bank of Narmada river and thus at end of Parikarma Marg.

Brahmapuri Ghat is the biggest Ghat of Omkareshwar. There is a huge space for bathing here. All the pilgrims start their journey of Omkareshwar by bathing here. The Aarti of Narmada Maya is done at 7pm in Omkareshwar.

We  decided to visit main Jyotirling temple where in night at around 08.30 PM there happens Shayan Aarti which has spiritual importance and it is said that every pilgrim visiting Omkareshwar must attend this Shayan Aarti.The sanctum Sanctorum of Omkareshwar Jyotirling Temple is decorated with a beautiful bed and a palna on which it is believed that lord Shiva sleeps at night.A chousar / Chopad (An ancient game played in india like chess ) is placed and it is believed that in the morning the settings of the game is found changed as lord Shiva plays Chosar in the night.The aarti is carried out with only instruments (Not vocal) and the prominent instrument played during aarti is Damru.

Interesting facts

·       Omkareshwar has two lofty hills and it’s divided by a valley, creating a shape of the sacred Hindu symbol ‘OM’ from above

·       It is said that  Lord Shiva  visit here to sleep  or ‘Shayan’ every night and so ‘Shayan Arti’ is performed   here

·       It is believed that  worshiping Omkareshwar is synonymous  to  visiting  and worshipping Kedarnath  and Panch Kedars

·       It is believed that  33 crore deities reside in this place Omkareshwar.

·       It is believed that  he main Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga is not just below the temple peak in the Omkareshwar temple,. As per temple rule, the main Shivling must be below the temple peak. Archaeologist thinks that Jyotirlinga was originally located in a small ancient temple. That's why they want to do a 3D survey of the Omkareshwar temple. They think there is a small chamber or temple that will be just below the main Shivling.

Eat : Local Cuisine: Don't miss out on trying the local cuisine of Omkareshwar. Indulge in delicious vegetarian dishes, such as poha, jalebi, kachori, and traditional Malwa cuisine. There are several small restaurants and food stalls where you can savor the local flavors.

Time to visit : The best time to visit Omkareshwar is during the winter (December-February), when the weather is mild. The monsoon season (June-September) can be wet and humid, but it is also a good time to visit if you want to see the town at its most lush and green

What Next: Next day, move to Indore. Eat Indoori Poha and other dishes at and catch Avantika Express to reach your destiny