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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

South India Story by North Indian

9th April 2012 is the day when I have landed into a new India so called South India. Although one can divide India into many ways as there are different cultures, religions, castes, languages etc. But one of the most prominent divisions is South & North India where you get a good mixture of all of these.

Our National Anthem is the first source where I come to know about the South India (Dravida which is used in our national anthem is another name of South India). From my childhood, I have very good image of South India. I know South India for Gold (as most of the South Indian wear kilos of gold), Education (I heard that South India Autowala is also speak in English only), Black Beauties (Hema Malini, Rekha), Hot Climate & most important for Honest People. With all these in my heart, I reached to Madurai – The Temple City. Actually, I have to report to Union Bank of India Madurai Ro for my joining formalities.

The very first day, I came to know that South Indian People trust in simplicity and strict follower of their tradition and culture. The simplicity reveals in their dressing sense, food habits, and living standard. I have not seen a single one who is brand conscious here - no Levis, no Blackberry only simple cloth so called lungi/ pant, white shirt for male saree, & salwar suit for female. These people enjoy following their tradition. I think that this is the main reason which makes you to see the true Indian Culture in South where Western Culture is not able to affect the generous people of South India.

I also came to know on the same day that South India is too hot without hot girls J I am not able to find a single girl to whom I can say hot in the whole day of my stay which otherwise too hot. Heat with Humidity makes the condition worst in South India. Anyway the day comes to end with some relief from heat and I went to bed

10th April 2012 is the 2nd day in South India. The day started with a great experience. I have entered into a bus to reach my branch. I saw a seat inside the bus. I went and seat there. The moment I seat, the lady who is in the next seat start to bark like anything. Although I am not able to understand what she was saying but her body language make me to understand that I have done a great mischief. I became very afraid but one of the guys helps me to understand that you are not supposed to seat with female in bus. So the first learning of the day was that you are not supposed to talk or seat or do anything with a South Indian girl who is unknown to you.

By the way I have entered into my allocated UBI branch with a mixed felling of joy and fear. Joy of becoming an Assistant Manager and fear that, whether I am able to sustain in Tamil Nadu. The first impression of my branch environment really supports the second aspect of my dilemma. I observed that all of my branch customer speak Tamil fluently J  which I am not able to understand anythingL. Not only that all the instrument which are there is also in Tamil only. I get relief some relief when there is some interaction with my colleague and staff member who have speak in English at least.

Sappar time is the times when you are suppose to eat something. I can bet you that South Indian Food is so delicious that you will enjoy for sometime but it’s also a fact that North Indian people are not able to eat South Indian dishes in regular basis. South Indian dishes consist of Rice ….Rice ….and only Rice (no Chapati) with Smabhar (no Dal), Rasam (no Sabji), More and many other but all are cooked in such a simple manner that North Indian (who use to eat Spicy dishes) will never like.

Somehow the day ended. In the way returning back to my room, I have seen many temples. Here temples are not like the temples of our side. It’s different because of the large size; here temples are built in large number with magnificent size. Here gods are also called in different name as compared to North India e.g. Meenakshi Amma is the other name of Parvati Ma, Nageswaran Swami is the other name of Shankar Bhagwan. South Indian people are really a big devote of god. They spent a lot of time for serving god. Here way of serving god is also different from North India. So the festivals are also different.

After 30 days
10th May 2012After spending a month time in South India, I have decided to write my felling for South India. In one line, I can say that if you have not visited South India, you have missed the True India. Although the South Indian people are black in color but they are very white by heart. They are so pure, honest, descent and cooperative personality that make you to think about the Sukrat proverb which says ….’If you are not HANDSOME then give your HAND to SOMEONE that make you HANDSOME.’

Although the all above problem persist e.g. Hot Climate, Food Problem, Language Barrier and all other but it is only the co operation of these people which make me to decide to stay in South India for a long time. Most probably, each of the people, I have met in these 30 days give their best cooperation.

(Touch Wood)! May my South India never get change! Not get affected by so called Western Culture! & It will always flourish with the Indian Culture!

Disclaimer: This is only my view about South India depending on whatever I have realized in my stay in South India. It may differ for different personality and place to place.